Adding AI and machine learning to automation technologies makes them more adaptable and resilient.
Process automation digitises and streamlines business processes using technologies like workflow tools, document scanning, and data entry scripting. Intelligent automation improves the effectiveness and robustness of these tools by adding in technologies like machine learning to improve process decision support, process discovery to increase automation coverage, and data analytics to improve process measurement and insights.
Organisations are focusing on intelligent automation through this more extensive set of technologies as a way to progress from a collection of tactical solutions that handle limited scenarios to a capability that meets a wide range of automated business outcomes.
Document processing, document generation, data entry into application screens, tracking approvals, and forwarding on tasks to the next process participant can often be completed or assisted through the use of the intelligent automation technologies described below.
Processes can progress and complete more rapidly when they are automatically routed to the right people for action along with quick access to the information they need. Combined with the reduced staff effort described above, less time is also needed to action each task within the process.
Providing timely responses to requests, faster location and access of documents, better visibility over processes that span multiple systems and departments, and decision support through richer Data and Insights enables the organisation’s staff to achieve better outcomes.
Automatically creating digital documents and converting inbound paper documents to digital format allows for electronic document management systems to replace the risks and administration effort of managing paper documentation. Automatically capturing data from digital documents into applications also reduces the staff effort and errors in processing inbound documents.
Some of the typical challenges around intelligent automation are not knowing where to start; inadvertently collecting a wide range of different and incompatible automation technologies; and getting the workforce to adapt to making use of these technologies as an improvement to their effectiveness and efficiency. That’s why the additional practices which complement the adoption of intelligent automation technology are very important, they will help the organisation evaluate, select, and introduce the technology in an effective way, also focusing on how the organisation’s processes and workforce can be improved and sustained alongside the technology.
As these practices are used when delivering many other types of solutions, such as Customer Experience and Digital Transformation, we sometimes refer to them as Shared Practices.
The team from Diversus bring their experience and expertise from helping many other organisations select and adopt the intelligent automation solutions that are best for their situation. Our clients have been able to streamline their business processes, reduce their reliance on paper record keeping, redirect staff effort away from repetitive tasks, and empower their workforce to achieve better outcomes with transformation and collaboration.
Intelligent automation improves the digitisation and process streamlining of process automation tools by using AI-based technology for complementary decision support, process discovery, and process insights. Organisations are focusing on using similar technologies across the broader enterprise as the way to deliver fully automated outcomes.