It’s often easier to focus on immediate needs — be it a project, a position to fill or an up-and-coming holiday. At Diversus, we believe in a holistic approach to business. We look at our projects and ensure that there is a future state already planned in. When hiring new employees we look at the potential not just the skills that they bring. Well, holidays — we all dream of holiday — but we also dream of school holidays where we welcome the next generation to spend time in the professional environment.
Diversus places a great emphasis on developing young graduate talent within WA. Working not only with university students, but also providing opportunities for high school students. Diversus provides hands-on mentoring support to Just Start IT. This initiative is for WA high school students assisting them to realise their potential.
Just Start IT Ltd is an 18-week High School Program that takes engaged learning to the next level through exploration, discovery, and creativity. Student teams work closely with industry mentors, creating technology enabled startups to solve real life problems.
On Thursday, 2 July 2015, Just Start IT holds the annual gala night at Sacred Heart College (Hocking Parade, Sorrento) commencing at 6pm.