Diversus was represented at the invitation-only Western Australian Innovation Summit by Claude De Lucia, Founder and Director. On Thursday, 28 July, 250 of the State’s brightest minds attended the first Innovation Summit to discuss, challenge, debate and collectively position WA to prosper in this era of rapid global change. Innovation Minister, Bill Marmion, said the summit brought together key business leaders and local innovators to develop tangible strategies to grow innovation and entrepreneurship in the State.
"It's important to hear the views of those working in business and innovation, so we can capitalise on emerging commercial opportunities," Mr Marmion said. The output from the Summit will ultimately inform the development of the State’s five-year Innovation Strategy.
The Summit covered a range of topics with the 22 individual discussion groups generating about 780 ideas. During the Summit the attendees looked at the potential impact transformational technologies may have on the WA economy, and mapped a path to maximise opportunities. Discussing improved collaboration between government, business, universities and the research sector, the groups developed strategies to best realise and support commercial outcomes for the State. Talent acquisition and retention were also debated to better showcase innovative WA talent and enhance investment in local ideas.
The ideas generated ranged from a venture capital-style sidecar fund for start-ups, greater engagement of WA's universities, sister-city arrangements with Jakarta or Singapore and encouraging tech companies through incentives to relocate to Perth. Over the next few weeks, Giles Nunis Chief Executive & Government CIO will assist in whittling down the ideas into five key areas.
After the event, Claude expressed "...that it was great to see some focus by government into innovation and how it can help this great state of ours to be the best it can, and for future generations. As a WA owned and operated tech company we are really excited to be part of this.